I became really run down this week.  Stress piled up.  Obligations piled up  and then comfort food and quick snack food of convenience replaced healthier meal options.  Soon enough I’m losing focus and then totally flat out stuck at home sick for days and rendered incapable of  doing anything…not even eating.  No work, no training, no errands… nothing but be miserably ill. 

Heck, at least I’m closer to goal weight…  TMI!?

I am so tired of setbacks.  I know I just need to persevere through the “tough” times and stay the course.  Oh, I KNOW I’ve come through a lot worse but I still can’t help but be disappointed for getting so sick.   Oh, and now my poor husband has caught the bug too.  

Continuing this blog was supposed to be about my journey to Ironman Texas.  I gave up that goal given the reality of the toll IMWI truly took on my body… the strained hamstring, the weak core and all the residual lingering issues.  

I am trying to “rebuild” this season.  I want transform my body into a stronger, more solid & healthy platform from which to launch my next ironman training phase so I can be more successful. Now, how am I supposed to do this when I keep getting all sick with a torn up labrum?! 

I now hope to document the process as I rebuild in 2013. 

Once I’m over being sick…. this is what is important:

  • Experience training adventures- camps, racing, day trips to fun rides, exciting workouts solo and with others
  • Continue working with my coach and following the plan he writes
  • Commit to physical thereapy, flexibility and functional strength
  • Learn to on race shorter courses
  • Consistency & life balance
  • Eat to train… yes, I said it.  I will eathealthier… not perfect but more balanced
  • Surround myself with a positive network of athletes & pals with shared values so we can support eachother’s endeavors.