It rocked.  12 minutes faster than Lobsterman, but the bike course was short, so factoring that in, I will say that I had a 9 minute PR for the distance.

My transitions were kind of slow and my run pace was slower than I think it should be again, but I finally got my Olympic distance swim PR and had a great bike split!  4th in age group.  Makes me excited to think, if I had pushed a little more on the run, sped through T1 & T2 faster, wow, I could have been on the age group podium at this thing!  I was determined to have PRs and podiums post-wreck and so far I’ve had both.

I am excited that I’ve moved from being a mid pack swimmer, back pack biker trying to catch people on the run until there’s no more race landscape left to being an athlete that is so close to the front.  This is despite the devastating bike crash.  It’s really fun!  I love it and it shows just how much determination and hard work (and GASP proper nutrition) and the right training can really do for you!

A lot of this sport is succeeding in the mental aspect.  I just want it so much more than I had in the past.  I’m more committed and its been paying off.   It’s been fun!

There is just one more race left and its a half iron distance.  I can not believe I was able to build back to the half iron distance.  I think I am faster than I was before my crash.  I know I am a better athlete now and I am so very grateful to everyone and every event that has helped get me to this point!