I raced Kinetic with no hamstring issues. It was great to come back and race and see how far I’ve come in handling pre-race anxiety. I’ve learned to channel the energy into something useful for the start. I handled all adversities on the course well- including some serious wind knocking down a tree 5 cars ahead of me and blocking both lanes. No one was hurt by it- but it certainly presented an obstacle. Although I did not beat my Patriot’s time, it was a PR for the course. I’m pretty happy considering the “secret marathon” so close to this race probably took a lot of my energy. If you think you should keep something secret, maybe… just maybe…it’s not the most brilliant idea.
However, since I had to back out of Mooseman, this was just an afterthought…. a race for “fun.” I’m glad I did both races, but next time, I’d better pick just one race to focus on and really push myself for that A race.
A full report will follow later.