
100 Triathlon Swimming Tips

By |2018-02-05T17:59:29-05:00December 30th, 2016|

These 100 triathlon random open water and triathlon swimming tips will set you up for a better swimming experience, improved swim fitness and faster race times. Enjoy! Check out our boredom busting swim sessions as well! 1.     Exhale into the water so that when you roll to take a breath you are inhaling only. 2     [...]

FTP Test Part 2 The Power Challenge

By |2018-02-05T17:59:29-05:00December 29th, 2016|

Here are some tips to make sure your  FTP Test goes really well! Get ready for the challenge! This test measures your functional threshold power and can be used to set your training zones and benchmark progress. The test protocol that I will talk about today is from “Uncle Andy’s” book, “Training and Racing with [...]

Natures the best medicine

By |2018-02-05T18:00:52-05:00October 30th, 2016|

Nature provides the best medicine Results are encouraging Aenean vitae neque est. Proin aliquam, lacus non ullamcorper elementum, diam eros faucibus orci, sed lobortis lectus urna egestas ligula. Morbi viverra, orci ac sodales consectetur, erat justo dictum urna, sodales ultrices nulla diam placerat ipsum. Donec [...]

Cramming A Season Onto a Page or So

By |2018-02-05T18:00:52-05:00October 11th, 2016|

I raced four times since moving to Vermont and before IMLOU.  I have completed zero race reports on the blog. Apologies!  In summary...not including Lou... Hundreds of Acres of Woods... My second week in rural Vermont I heard about a race not too far away.  I reached out to the race director (and little did [...]

On Success

By |2015-11-25T13:09:00-05:00November 25th, 2015|

The most important thing I've learned in my maze-journey in the sport of triathlon (can be applied to life as well) is that there is no one true "right way" to make progress and achieve success.  The best athletes have become successful by knowing themselves and adopting what works best for them.  Having an open [...]

LOU Prep: Pre Race Pedi

By |2015-10-06T20:04:00-04:00October 6th, 2015|

Found the perfect color for a race: And taper shopping.  Maple Bacon Gu.   This better taste as superb as it sounds.  I'll try it at mile 80 of the bike! 

Timberman 70.3

By |2015-10-05T18:35:00-04:00October 5th, 2015|

This race was about....Visiting home!   Pre race shake up training! My family from Maine! Triathlon Friends.  My brother from another mother with the best motivational sign.And the fam! 

Corporate 4 Miler

By |2015-08-08T20:23:00-04:00August 8th, 2015|

Catch up race report: I fell behind in race reports.  I owe a few.  Here's one for the Corporate 4 Miler. The race brings companies from a wide variety of industries from all over the Greater Richmond area and we compete with in our respective industry categories as teams.  We work hard.  We play hard.  We run Hard! [...]

Texas in One Week

By |2015-05-10T16:08:00-04:00May 10th, 2015|

Brett Sutton is quoted as saying, "when you go for eight or nine hours there are a lot of places with dark and unlit streets.  People don't train athletes to go to those places."   Heck, I'll be out there a lot longer and I'm feeling ready.  This season has been about the mental toughness [...]

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