
The Shining Tiger Award for Dedication to Triathlon

By |2015-01-17T19:28:00-05:00January 17th, 2015|

Great announcement to follow. By great I am talking about something better than Great Cats!I am introducing........ The Shining Tiger Award for Dedication to TriathlonRegardless of individual goals, talents, backgrounds and commitment levels triathletes generally have a shared passion for the sport. This bonds us. The tri community is woven together with the hearts of [...]

The Ick

By |2015-01-02T20:37:00-05:00January 2nd, 2015|

This week, I missed most of my training and was stuck on the couch with the dreaded ick & flu.  It wiped me out for days on end.  I spent New Years Eve at home in bed before midnight.  I couldn't be productive during the week at home because I was unable to focus on [...]

Why a Tri Blog?

By |2014-12-31T15:06:00-05:00December 31st, 2014|

Don't let the colorful autumn Maine scene fool you, this is a triathlon blog.  I just like the picture.  It's colorful, inspiring, familiar, natural and honest in a way that I have strived to share my triathlon adventures from one season to the next.   This place pictured above will change and evolve through seasons.  The warm [...]

Un-Beet-able Juice

By |2014-11-30T20:27:00-05:00November 30th, 2014|

I decided to dust off the juicer I bought last year when I had these visions of becoming a total health food enthusiast.  I thought I'd be waking up early and juicing vegetables frequently for the nutritional benefits.That happened a few times at first and then I pretty much gave up on the effort and [...]

AM Trainer Shenanigans

By |2014-11-29T10:18:00-05:00November 29th, 2014|

I wake up bright and early for a simple zone 5 bike session.  Coach Dave had decided to give me some zone 5 intervals and a run in the same day but said to separate them by 8 hours, 2 meals and a... Nap.  I complain to Nick, "OH no!  There is a NAP in [...]

Richmond 8k Race Report

By |2014-11-16T19:54:00-05:00November 16th, 2014|

My first 8k.   I signed up for it thinking it would be "just for fun" but what is more fun than running as fast as possible and really going for it?!  My childhood pal from Maine (my moms friend's kid) came to stay with us. He's stationed in VA Beach now & ran the [...]

Q: Why Triathlon? A: Goals!

By |2014-11-01T20:48:00-04:00November 1st, 2014|

11/2There are likely millions of reasons people participate, race and or embrace the triathlon lifestyle.   Personally, I love the training, the traveling, the racing, the stress relieving "runners high"and of course one of the best parts is connecting with amazing people in the sport.  However, there are always the the other driving reasons people [...]

The Line Up- Part 1

By |2014-10-22T20:23:00-04:00October 22nd, 2014|

Planning out the 2015 season has me really excited.  Laying out a schedule and putting it in writing is that first real step to the incredible adventures ahead. I love dreaming about the races, coming up with goals and thinking about where I will go and who will be on the journey as well.  Planning [...]

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